Please turn on your javascript mohammed Waheed - System Administrator - JUFFALI JAMED - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


1. User administration (setup and maintaining account)
2. Maintaining system
3. Verify that peripherals are working properly
4. Quickly arrange repair for hardware in occasion of hardware failure
5. Monitor system performance
6. Create file systems
7. Install software
8. Create a backup and recover policy
9. Monitor network communication
10. Update system as soon as new version of OS and application software comes out
11. Implement the policies for the use of the computer system and network
12. Setup security policies for users. A sysadmin must have a strong grasp of computer security (e.g. firewalls and intrusion detection systems


شعار الشركة
System Administrator
مارس ۲۰۱۷ - الآن | Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

• Install and support LANs, WANs, network segments, Internet, and intranet systems.
• Install and maintain network hardware and software.
• Analyze and isolate issues.
• Monitor networks to ensure security and availability to specific users.
• Evaluate and modify system's performance.
• Identify user needs.
• Determine network and system requirements.
• Maintain integrity of the network, server deployment, and security.
• Ensure network connectivity throughout a company's LAN/WAN infrastructure is on par with technical considerations.
• Design and deploy networks.
• Perform network address assignment.

شعار الشركة
Nework Administrator
Amantit Group of Companies
فبراير ۲۰۰۹ - الآن | Dammam, Saudi Arabia

I have been working Amantit Group of companies, At Dammam.
Installation of Software. Configuring of routers. Installation of new software.
Checking the network connetvity.


Madurai Kamraj University
ماجستير, شهادة ماجستير, ماجستير التربية, MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATION‎
Computer Network
نسبة مئوية 70%


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