Please turn on your javascript syed qamar - UI/UX Designer - virtual vision solutions - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


I am submitting my Resume for the post of UI Designer/Front-End Developer.I believe that I have the skills
that you are seeking and would like to be considered for this position. I have extensive layout and UI experience and enjoy working on precise, detailed projects. In addition,4 and half years of experience as UI Designer/Front-End Developer, I have been developing Front-end from PSD, AI, PNG, JPG templates. My professional skills are connected with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript including jQuery and psd convert to wordpress. It is imposed responsive websites, etc.Love to do coding in Responsive and Adaptive Frameworks such as Bootstrap, 960js & UIkit Framework. Optimizing websites for Cross Browser Compatibility for Mobile/Tablet IE7/8/9/10/11 Chrome, Firefox and Safari.I too have 5years experience of working as a senior seo, smm, and smo .I am highly organized and capable of meeting tight deadlines without compromising my quality of work.

I am attaching my Resume. I look forward to discussing this further with you and reviewing the needs
of your company in greater detail. I can be reached by email at [email protected]


UI/UX portfolio


شعار الشركة
UI/UX Designer
virtual vision solutions
مارس ۲۰۱٦ - فبراير ۲۰۱۷ | Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


University of Karachi
بكالوريوس, شهادة بكالوريوس, بكالوريوس تجارة, Bachelors in Commerce‎
تقدير B


متمكن Adobe Dreamweaver
متمكن Adobe Illustrator
متمكن CSS3
متمكن Front Office Support
متوسط SharePoint Design
متمكن Social Media Strategists
متمكن WHRPP
مبتديء WP CLI


متوسط إنجليزي
مبتديء عربي