Perform take and boq quantity for all electrical high and low current system in the autocad drawing and update all the quantity from drawing revise by the technical department
Assemble document package and developed drawing sets to be reviewed by engineer or archiech.interact with engineering personel.
Making electrical take off and make single line diagram thru autocad and create BOQ and perform quantity surveying as per project requirement estimation,planning cost saving monitor in the excel and also responsible for creating wiring and lay out diagram used by workers who erect,install and repair electrical equipement and wiring in communication center power plants,electrical didstribution system and building
Create Boq (bill of quantity) perform surveying as per project requirement and planning cost saving and estimation.
Electrical material take off thru autocad as per material engineer instruction and create shop drawing for electrical to develeop specification and instruction for installion of voltage tranformer,overhead or underground cables and related electrical equipment use to conduct electrical equipment from transmission lines or high voltage distribution.