Doing accounting Entries for monthly closing using Oracle Program To Analyze monthly Accounts and bull Reports to comber between Accounts and cash movement and doing Bank Reconciliation and using Excel program for most business Accounting and using a part of SAP program called (business object) to pull a reports for comparison between oracle Reports and cash information company other business the approval of the Exchange and Agents pay Transaction and compensate third party
Recording the daily Entries by using ERB Dynamics program prepare the payments for the vendor and a sister company that we pay for and all the payments related to the company and prepare the Entire of salaries and any entires related with payroll and handling the petty cash and doing all types of reconciliation such as Bank ,vendors,sisters company and another accounting work and reporting to CFO
عمل القيود اليومية وإقفال الحسابات الشهرية وعمل تسويات البنوك ومعاملات سداد الوكلاء ومقارنت التقارير المسحوبة من الأوركل مع الجهات الخارجية وعمل معاملات تعويض الطرف الثالث واستخدام برنامج الإكسل في معظم المعاملات الحسابية
تسويق منتجات شركة سامسونج للأجهزة المنزلية مع وجود مخطط بيع شهري والعمل ٦ ايّام بالأسبوع وذلك (خلال فترة الدراسة بالمعهد )