Please turn on your javascript Hamid Aljehani - رجل اطفاء - مصنع اسمنت ينبع - Yanbu Al Bahr, Saudi Arabia




my name is hamed


High school

Computer Skills

  Completing the Course IT in the Workplace -  Microsoft Office   
Loss Prevention Program (LPS) Training Certificate
COSHH risk assessment training certificate
Course in Introduction to Internet of Things (Cisco)
A Course in Introduction to Cyber security (Cisco)
(A course in block chain technology (monshaat
First aid course from Prince Nayef First Aid Program.

a courseware of financial accounting
courseware financial analysis
experience security escorts
public driving license heavy transport
English language course (second level)
certificate of thanks from Exxon Mobil for safe leadership
OSHA for safety and health course

Firefighting course, evacuation and emergency plan
first aid course
A training course in Business Principles from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Yanbu.
(experience security driver at Exxon Mobil ( 8 years
Course in household electricity and extensions
A course in the principles of maintenance of electronic devices from the technical college
Course in Principles of Computer Networks Work
my residence in Yanbu
thank you
[email protected]        


Company Logo
رجل اطفاء
مصنع اسمنت ينبع
Sep 2022 - Present | Yanbu Al Bahr, Saudi Arabia

Company Logo
سائق أمني
Feb 2012 - Present | Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

نقل موظفي إحدى الشركات النفطيه إلى مقار عملهم والأسواق والرحلات الخارجيه بسيارات مختلفة الحجم والنوع(العادي والمصفح)بنظام سميث للقياده الآمنه.


ثانويه أبو بكر الصديق
High School, High School or Less, , ‎
Percentage 81%


Intermediate Accounts Administration
Expert Accounts Management Skllis
Beginner Admirative Assistance
Intermediate Microsoft Powre Point
Intermediate Risks Analysis
Expert قيادة كافة السيارات
Expert اللغه الانجليزيه
Beginner المحاسبه
Beginner التحليل المالي
Expert الحراسات الأمنيه
Expert استخدام الحاسب
Beginner اسعافات أوليه
Beginner بناء السقالات


Expert Arabic
Intermediate English