▪ Review and analyze financial statements in order to identify areas which should be assessed as a part of an audit.
▪ Design, execute, document and report on audit testing of financial and reporting processes, balances, amounts and disclosures.
▪ Identify key business, financial and functional processes for identifying and assessing current and emerging risks.
▪ Plan, execute, and/or report internal audits to management.
▪ Establish the objective and scope of the audit engagement.
▪ Develop comprehensive risk-based audit programs.
▪ Prepare or assist in preparing audit reports.
▪ Deliver presentations to client’s management at the audit opening and closing meetings.
▪ Provide on-the-job training and mentoring to inexperienced or less experienced staff.
▪ Evaluate the performance and capabilities of the assisting staff auditors.
▪ Assurance and consulting activities on internal controls as requested.